Wednesday, August 01, 2007










Maggie Liu said...

Our Majesty in windsor castle should be aware about the torn down of the pier in her name la.

Florence Lai 黎凱欣 said...

Maggie, long time no see, how are you? Yes, the "皇后碼頭" 牌匾 will be torn down, oh......

Anonymous said...

hehe, pls link my blog into yours. thanks.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Dilman said...

老實說句, 我是對這群人的行為有點反感的. 清場行動搞了十多小時, 浪費了大量人力物力. (警察和消防員)

為何不早點提出司法程序, 而要自殘, 給政客們 "擺上枱"? 保育行動, 不應該只有一個碼頭吧!

"Everything that has a beginning has an end!"

熊一豆 said...












Anonymous said...


在快餐店關門也可以招來數千人的香港,如果你認為皇后碼頭面前的百多人也足以 legitimize 皇后友做過的任何事,包括一些 alienate 了數以十萬計市民的事,你也天真得很。我認同保留皇后碼頭,但皇后友的做法使整個運動走錯了方向。你要找被他們感動了的人,一定找得到,但人數遠遠少於本來可以爭取得到、感動得到的,浪費了難得的社會關注。


Anonymous said...




熊一豆 said...











Anonymous said...


時間︰2:00 - 5:30 pm (1:45登記入場)


Apple Daily
A11 | 港聞 2007-05-13
Highlight Keywords






Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

I actually agree with 路人C, we (being most of us against the action of those people in the queen's pier) are the one who spread hate, not us. Hate is already spreaded by them, and by lots of Media. Just look at their action on that day, or the sunday when they have the forum to discuss about the future on Queen's Pier. Tell me which side is yelling, screaming, pushing, and calling name.

And I am sorry, may be I am missing something here. But according to here. I see a lots of greens, parks, sure there is an area that said "Medium Rise Commerical Development" and "Low-Rise Landscaped Pedestrian desk with commerical facities below", which to be honest, it's fine with me (because it is on the edge and it is relatively small area) and I quite like what I see there.

Personally I actually think the Media (or at least the newspaper I read) seem to be one side, keep reporting the "memories" on Queen's Pier, or about their "passion" on how to save the pier. I am sorry, but i don't understand nor support their "passion" on Queen's Pier, and I have little memory in this little place which had no architecture value whatsoever. Beside look at how they "remove" by the police on that day, the police has been extremely "nice" to these guys (think what will happen if they are handle in Korean), and yet, they are yelling, screaming, pushing and said the police are "hurting" them! Com'on, I am SUPPOSE TO "被守衛者的堅持所感動" ? Give me a break

And finally, most people, including various forums on the net, actually support the police action as well as agree with the government on this. You guys should wake up to the reality. (esp. the media, which is very disconnect to what most HK people view in this case. Just look at the RTHK show on Sunday, they were so one sided and only talk about the people against it, but there are actually a lots of people agree it is necessary but yet it is not reported)

Unknown said...

sorry, seem like I got some typo, should be: "We (being most of us against the action of those people in the queen's pier) are NOT the one who spread the hate"

And sory for using this space for such a discussion, afterall, I am just another "路人" who cannot stand all those people anymore in the queen's pier.

熊一豆 said...

Potato, 規劃圖美不美麗是其次,主要是,擁有相關專業資格的人士是以---能實行---為原則來進行規劃的。他們不是fine art artists.








熊一豆 said...






不過,並非人人都要這樣一個中環。或者閱讀英文,你會覺著愜意些,那就看看Daniel Wu的blog吧,他以英文書寫,可能你會看得入腦︰

Anonymous said...



Florence Lai 黎凱欣 said...

能夠自由討論,是很寶貴的,也明白希望說服別人接納一己觀點的熱切心情。只是, 當討論變為無止境的紛爭,那便很可惜了。

我想, 這場保衛皇后戰, 與其單就皇后碼頭事件爭論, 倒不如積極把握未來參與規劃我城的機會, 一起look forward吧。

Unknown said...

I want to drop this already but since you seem to indicate I am not listening or think that I do not understand your point clearly, let me give it another try:

- "直斥靜坐人士為暴民" I believe I never use the word "暴民", in chinese nor english. I simply refer to them as "yelling, screaming, pushing, and calling name". To me, "暴民" mean people cause "暴動", they didn't. However, if you consider "yelling, screaming, pushing, and calling name" is "暴民", then it is your understanding, not mine.

- I simply stated that I do not have any memory assoicate to the Queen's Pier, nothing more. Please note that I also did not say "本土行動" use "集体回憶" or "Memory" as one of their reason to keep the Pier. I said the "Media" did, unless, of course, you are one of the Media, are you?

- "在肆意謾罵、中傷別人之前,請先理解別人在爭取什麼、為了什麼而爭取,否則一味的自說自話,只展示閣下的非理性,及沒有辯論的能力。" I totally agree, but Did I really say nothing regarding my view? I believe I did. But you seem to getting pretty good at putting words into my mouth. So who is "中傷別人" here?

- I have little memory on this place, nor view this has a lots of historical value in it. Sure, the Queen arrived on this Pier and it was where we had the "cross habour" swimming starting point. But the original Pier is not here (it has been relocated before), and the only thing that probably worth keeping is the "牌匾", which I doubt is the original either. The structure is so simple, and it is hardly used by anyone nor had any function now a day. So whether keep it or "RELOCATE" it really is not a problem for me. It does not mean that I do not support "保育", it simply mean that I don't view this as an important place nor I agree the historical value in it. And if the government require to "RELOCATE" this somewhere for various of reason? So be it. Every people can have their different view, you will have your own value towards this Pier, and I respect that. I simply stated my view, and let you know that also quite a few people share my view when it come to the "value" of this "Pier" (When I mean "value", I do not mean $$, I mean both historical value and how important it is when people view this place)

- "迫不及待要多一個商場"? Hey, I didn't say that either, did I? I said I like what I saw in the report. It look like a mid level and a low level shopping mall and from my point of view, it seem fine with me. It doesn't mean I WANT another one, but I will not against it either. These are 2 different things.

- "解放軍碼頭", what is the problem? We used to have British war ship there as well (until 90s, after that they move to somewhere else if I remember correctly) so I fail to see the issue here. Are you trying to injecting fear to HKer that "China will one day send army to HK and crack down on us?" Oh, I am not saying you are trying to do it. Of course not, I am just asking to understand where you come from when you mention "解放軍碼頭". If you are so worry, where were you when the British War ship was parking over there? Did you complaint to the Government then?

- "就是要多一座大商場把中環沿岸最後一個透氣口都封掉", hrmm, again, I disagree. Yes, there will be 1-2 more buildings, but it will only be "Medium to Low Rise Commerical Development". Next to IFC and right outside a Jardine House there will be a Medium Rise, while the Low Rise Pedestrian (which I assume will more like a bridge where people will walk over the bridge toward the habour) will be outside "Status Square". I really don't see this as one of the "大商場" you keep mentioning. Is that mean I do not support environment protection? No, it simply mean that I don't see the affect of these 2 buildings as quote: " 把中環沿岸最後一個透氣口都封掉".

- Thank you for your URL to Daniel Wu's blog , I read it already, and I simply disagree with it. Like I said, I simply do not see the pier as such a "historical building", nor identify who we are. I certainly will not bring one of my foreign friend to the "Queen's Pier" and explain: "Oh, this is where the Queen arrive when she visit HK, blah blah blah". I am pretty sure most of my foreign friends will not be interested in taking picture of the pier. What so special about it? The "牌匾"? You know most of my friend when they visit HK, they want me to bring them to shop the gadgets. Their wifts would love to shop brand name shops. They will go Lamma Island and see the fish village there and try sea food. They will go to Lantau Island, Po Lin Monastery, Big Buddha. They will take photo of HK skyline, and all the amazing building like Bank of China, HSBC... etc. Never, (and I did have quite a few friends visit me from time to time) did anyone of those friends come and said: "Hey, I want to go to the Queen's Pier because I saw it in certain guide book and want to take picture", nor I will bring them there because I simply do not see they will interested in.

- "更多商場、更多交通流量". Obviously we have a different point of view about the "size" of the shopping mall. However, I do believe the P2 will improve the traffic problem that a lots people suffering when they need to go to Central. I do not see that 1-2 extra commerical building will cause a lots of "交通流量".

And why, why I disagree with you mean that I do not have "溝通的誠意和證明你有理性討論的基礎"? I have no "理性討論"?? I did not "提出任何理據之下" said that "靜坐人士為暴民"!? Which BTW, I did not call them "暴民". And also, I did provide my reason saying that why I DO NOT agree with them or I DO NOT agree with the way they express
their "passion". I disagree with the value of the "Queen's Pier", I disagree with them when they are pushing the police, I disagree with them when they are obviously FAKING it and CLAIM that the police are hurting them when cutting their chain. I disagree with them while they claim themselve protecting the Queen's Pier, but yet destorying the place and used red paint to paint on the floor and wall to express their view. I disagree with them when they stood dangerously on the edge, smoking in one hand, and threating to jump down. When they were threating to jump down, not only he put himself in dangerous, but also the police who were try to pull him back, and his mother will worry sick when they saw it on TV, did they think about it? Obviously not.

Finally, as I already stated, I disagree on how the Media handle this. All the people and friends that I have talked with, over 70% support government action and believe the reason (traffic, development... etc) justify the cause (RELOCATE the Pier). Some prefer not to relocate but because it is already done deal and past the LEGCO, we should respect the decision and move on. The support for relocating the pier, the development of the project, or simply move on, is clearly more than the people who oppsite it. But so far most of the Media report has been one sided.

Oh, and I am not a left wing either, I support "universal suffrage", and sooner we get it, the better. So please don't paint me as "Communist's Dog" simply because I think it is not a problem to have "解放軍碼頭" there. I am not saying you will paint me as a "Communist's dog", however, I believe you understand why I said this. Because this ain't the first time I had this kind of experience, and often time, people think that if I am not agree with them, I must have a "red background", wear a "red underwear", "communist's dog"... etc. which is pretty sad if you come to think of it. I don't want HK become Taiwan (no disrepect to any of my Taiwan friend :) )

Just my 2 cents.

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